
Archive for October, 2013

I’m very happy to report that I think I really did learn some lessons from my last, long, dehydrating run. Miracles do still happen!! 🙂

 On October 12th, I ran 20 miles!!! I not only ran 20 miles, but I felt great before, during, and after my run!! I was hydrating the days before with water and NUUN. The day of the run I stuck to my MAF for the first half – my daughters, Jenna and Emily, made sure of that!! 🙂  They are training for the CIM also and were running 14 miles with me and then I would carry on for another 6 miles with the promise that I would stick to MAF until the last two miles then I could run as fast as my little heart desired.  I also made sure that I was drinking water every time I heard my running program notify me of another mile.  I fueled as necessary with gels and  drank my recovery drink after the run. This, followed by a nice relaxing breakfast out with my girls, made a perfect Saturday morning.



Emily, Me, Jenna – I love running with these girls!!!

Last Saturday, October 19th, I ran the Folsom Blues Half Marathon in Folsom.  It was the same basic course around Lake Natoma that I have been training on.  I ran with my friend, Debora, who I believe is still my friend even after I ran the race higher than my MAF, which meant higher than her MAF.


Me and Debora (I’m holding Emily’s coffee so she could take a pic – hmmm . . . a sip might have helped!!)

The temperature began in the 50’s. The sun was just peaking it’s head up over the skyline when the race started.  It was a perfect day for racing.

The race started out on roads, which were nice and wide and eventually funneled down to the bike trail, which was not nice and wide.  The weaving in and around others became like a puzzle of sorts.  In time it thinned out. 🙂

I knew I wasn’t going to run by MAF and tried to keep my heart rate 10-15 above MAF, which was doable most of the time.  It never fails at the end of the race, yards before the finish line, even if we are going uphill, Debora sprints to the end and, of course, I need to join her in that – huffing and puffing!! It wasn’t a PR for me, but it was a great indication that training by MAF has given me a good aerobic foundation to support my faster running and not feel like I’m dying.  I’m glad that I have been adding one or two faster paced runs in each week.  I can see that I need to add more race pace runs to my training, as my hip flexor the last two miles was screaming at me, a new pain, which I don’t have with my slower running.  Foam rolling, after the run, took care of that.

I am fascinated by my body and how it is learning to adapt to longer, slower, running and yet, also learning how to run shorter faster runs.  Am I weird?!!!

I love to hear how others fuel before, during, and after a run and how that affects them.  I love to try different ways of fueling for myself and then tweak when needed.

I am learning, although I think I already knew this, that I am very competitive . . . with myself!!! When I reach one goal, I set a new goal.  When I reach that goal, I set another . . . why do I feel so compelled to strive for faster . . . why can’t I just be content to run and enjoy?!!!

It is a battle of my mind – scary place to be, trust me!! 🙂

I am working on being content in my running . . . enjoying my running . . . being thankful that I have been gifted with the desire to run and to run for God . . . His glory . . . ultimately it is all for Him!!!


Steve, Me, Debora

Finishing = Winning

My new motto – because it’s true!!!

Have a great week – get a run in . . . you know you want to. 

Patty 🙂


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I am remiss in writing a post these last couple of weeks, partly due to total frustration with my long run of a little over a week ago.  Thankfully, time has gone by and I have had a chance to get over it and hopefully learn from my mistakes and move on to more enjoyable long runs, as I am training for my first marathon and venturing into the unknown.

As I look back, many things were out of the ordinary for my 18 mile run a couple of Sundays ago.  I started later in the afternoon, around 2:00, which meant it was much warmer.  I was not adequately fueled before my run.  I had actually planned on running by MAF, which I have been doing for all of my long runs.  Today, though, I was thinking and talking with, Cara, about my goals for my marathon pace and what was possible.  The run started downhill and I just ran a natural pace, not fast, but about 10 above MAF.  It felt good and I ended up running the whole 18 miles between 10-20 above MAF.  Under different circumstances and if I was prepared that probably would have been a great idea, but today . . . not so good!! 😦

Things that didn’t go right . . .

1.  I didn’t fuel properly before a faster-paced run.

2.  I didn’t fuel enough during the longer run . . . that was faster than planned.

3.  It was warmer than I thought outside and I wasn’t drinking enough . . . resulting in dehydration.

4.  My heart rate didn’t go back down when I slowed to a very slow pace, indicating dehydration.

5.  When I slowed to walk up the last hill, I was so nauseous I was sure I was going to throw up – another indication of dehydration.

At the end, I ended up having to sit down I felt so faint and eventually lying down for a bit on the ground.  As I was lying there feeling oh so sick, I really wondered what the heck I was doing training for a marathon.  What was I thinking?!!!! I made it home, only to finally throw up.  It was reminiscent of an earlier 11 mile run, a couple of years ago, when I felt the same way and it was from dehydration.  The scary part, to me, is that I had my hydration pack on filled with water and NUUN (electrolyte replacement) and was sipping it along the entire run, but when I looked at what was left, only half was gone.

Things I learned . . . hopefully!!!

1. To fuel correctly for the run.

2.  My long runs are meant to be run at a slower pace for the most part, maybe the last 4 – 6 at a faster pace in preparation for the marathon.

3.  Hydrate – purposefully drinking, even if I don’t want to, while running.

4. Pay attention to my heart rate if I am slowing and my heart rate isn’t dropping there is a problem.

5. Carry salt tablets with me and be aware of the heat.














Me, Amy(first time rockin’ a half-marathoner), Lhia(my new running friend), and Debora

The good news is that I ran the Urban Cow Half Marathon with friends this past Sunday!!

What a refreshing 13.1 miles with Debora and Amy and my new friend, Lhia (a co-worker of Amy’s).  It was so much fun to run along side Amy, who was running her first half marathon!! The Urban Cow was my first ever half marathon last year, so I knew how she was feeling towards the end and the push to keep going through the pain.  It was a push towards the end, but she pushed through and totally rocked the race.

It was a refreshing and encouraging run for me after my previous run!!   I ran by  MAF  the entire distance and I felt most wonderful. I made sure I was hydrating.  The temps were much cooler!!  I realized how far I had come since running this race last year.  I had continued running and trying to run a few longer runs each month.  I have become a stronger runner through continued training and have come to a point of great enjoyment, for the most part, when I run.  The result of that training, was being able to run a very difficult race last year and feeling relaxed and enjoying every moment of the race this year.  Yay for running!!

I guess all this to say there are bad runs and good runs, but really – they are all GOOD!!! I’m out moving and doing good for my body and learning all the time what my body is telling me.  I’m learning to read it better.

As always, I am thankful to an amazing God, who has made this amazing body that I live in and is capable of so much more than I ever thought it could be.  I’m thankful that He is always with me and is always teaching me and that He loves me more than I will ever be able to grasp.  I’m thankful that He has gifted me with the ability to run and to enjoy the run.  I am thankful for all of the friends He has brought into my life through running.  I’m looking forward to meeting many more.

Enjoy your week – get a run in!!

Patty 🙂

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